Under the Mask 2008

The first 'Under the Mask: Perspectives on the Gamer' conference was held on Saturday June 7th 2008 at the University of Bedfordshire, Luton, UK. This one-day event featured key note addresses from Professor Tanya Krzywinska, Brunel University and David Haywood, Pixel-Lab. The conference attracted contributions from academics from Australia, Taiwan, USA, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, as well as the UK. The papers discussed a wide range of issues including:-

*The Role of Onlookers in Arcade Gaming;
*Narrative, Gaming Audiences & Scene;
*Class and gender gaming disparities among U.S. youth;
*Asian American Gamers'; and
*Reflections upon the Global Reality Game

The original call for papers, the 2008 conference programme, the abstracts and the 2008 conference papers are available on this website.

