Research Institute for Media, Art and Design

The Research Institute for Media, Art and Design supports research initiatives in media art and design within the University of Bedfordshire, UK.

The editoral office of the international refereed journal, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies is partially based within the Institute. Convergence has an international editorial board, with members drawn from Europe, Australia, USA, Canada, Hong Kong and Japan, it has subscribers world-wide. The journal acts as an invaluable bridge between the research work of the staff and postgraduate students of the Institute and the wider community of scholars.

The RIMAD also hosts the Centre for International Media Analysis, Research and Consultancy (CIMARC) and JOG: Journalism and the Olympic Games Research Group which is co-ordinated by Professor Garry Whannel.

RIMAD has research specialisms in new media, cross-media integration, political communication, journalism, sport and the media, post-Jungian psychology and screen-based media, community radio and creative writing.

With a mature research base in media, and highly active exhibition culture in art and design, the Institute welcomes applications for Masters by Research and PhDs.

